EU Report

The EDIFY EDU European report provides an overview of the history and evolution of undergraduate business management education, tracing its roots to classical management theory and scientific management, with a specific focus on Ireland, Finland, Germany, Greece and Italy.
It also analyses EDI in the curriculum and its effects on the labour market and gender. Despite globalisation and advances in the way of doing business, undergraduate business management education continues to perpetuate labour market segregation and discrimination based on gender and other intersectionalities. Women continue to experience significant barriers in employment, particularly in leadership roles.
download Executive summary:
National Reports
These reports present the findings of the EDIFY EDU European research, which aims to fill the gap in the Business Management education sector in Ireland, Finland, Germany, Greece and Italy regarding competencies related to workplace equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI).
Highlights and Materials of the EU Seminar
In order to validate and disseminate the EDIFY EDU European Report, the project partners gathered in Finland, at the Aalto University, on the13th of September 2023, where an International Blended Seminar on “Skills for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion” was organized.
The seminar was hosted by Jani Toivola
13:00 Welcome to the seminar
13:05 Introduction to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Business Management Education and training: Josephine Browne | IADT
13:15 Project findings on EDI competences: Heini Ikävalko | Aalto University and Audrey Stenson | IADT
Panel discussion: Differences on EDI competences in Germany, Italy, Greece, Ireland and Finland:
- Technische Universität Dresden
- Marco Croella | Talent Garden
- Eleni Georgakakou and Konstantinos Mantzos | Hellenic Open University
- Audrey Stenson | IADT
- Heini Ikävalko | Aalto University
13:45 European research perspective on skills gaps in equality, diversity and inclusion: Maria Jepsen | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working conditions
14:00 Break
14:15 European perspective on EDI, pay transparency directive: Sirpa Pietikäinen | European Parliament
14:40 Panel: Challenges and solutions in EDI competences – competence gaps, training needs and best
- Kate Canning | DLR Mill Theatre
- Julius Hurri | Netlight Consulting
- Sharon McGreevy | IADT
- Greta Andersson | FIBS
- Alicia Garcia-Madrid Colado | European Network of Innovation for Inclusion
15:25 The way forward
Introduction to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Business Management Education and Training, by Josephine Browne from IADT
Panel discussion: Differences on EDI competences in Germany, Italy, Greece, Ireland and Finland:
- Valeriya Racheeva, Technische Universität Dresden
- Marco Croella, Talent Garden – Eleni Georgakakou and Konstantinos Mantzos, Hellenic Open University
- Audrey Stenson, IADT
- Heini Ikävalko, Aalto University
Panel: Challenges and solutions in EDI competences – competence gaps, training needs and best practices:
- Kate Canning, DLR Mill Theatre
- Julius Hurri, Netlight Consulting
- Sharon McGreevy, IADT – Greta Andersson, FIBS
- Alicia Garcia-Madrid Colado, European Network of Innovation for Inclusion