EDIFY Curriculum Outline


One of the first steps of the project is designing a curriculum that is designed based on learning
outcomes and on the blended learning principles, in order to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge,
competences and skills based on the exploitation of various learning settings.

The main objectives are:

  • Translate the skill needs highlighted in the report (WP2) into an innovative, learning outcome-oriented modular training curriculum, structured on 3 levels: MOOC, Specialisation courses and Work-Based Learning.
  • After identifying the module units and the related competences, all partners exploit their knowledge and expertise to describe the associated learning outcomes, instructional means and assessment techniques.
  • Ensure that the curriculum contains an adequate number of competences that directly map to EntreComp (entrepreneurial component) and LifeComp, in order to support the matching of the skills and competences to be developed according to the needs of a more equal, diverse and inclusive job market.