EDIFY Training

MOOC - Massive Open Online Course

  • Target: anyone interested in EDI (reccommended for managers and higher-education business students)
  • Where: online through the EDIFY EDU platform
  • When: from October to December 2024
  • Language: English

Specialisation courses & Work-based learning

  • Target: undergraduate HE students willing to effectively and rapidly entrer into the labour market
  • Where: Ireland, Italy, Germany, Finland and Greece
  • When: first half of 2025 based on national calendars
  • Language: national language

Discover how you can join the EDIFY EDU training programme!
Don’t miss the opportunity… register today!


The Massive Open Online Course on “Enhancing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace” is open to anyone interested in the topic…


Follow the MOOC to enhance your knowledge on EDI and candidate to host an intern who can support you with EDI at the workplace!


If you are studying in Ireland, Italy, Germany, Finland or Greece, you may be eligible for our specialisation courses and improve your academic portfolio.


The online course “Enhancing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace” is especially designed for helping actual and future managers and professionals to have a better approach toward Equality, Diversity and Inclusion topics and skills. The MOOC will enable participants to pursue entrepreneurial initiatives based on EDI competencies, offered free of charge, through the online platform, developed by DAISSy – HOU.


The course contributes to:

  • training needs, competency gaps and identified competencies coming from the research phase of the EDIFY-EDU project (Ref. EU Report: Business Management Education and Training Provision on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion);
  • fostering the modernisation of HE and VET Management education to develop future managers’ social skills and competencies, addressing post-pandemic societal and economic changes;
  • developing a new modular curriculum focused on EDI competences through micro-credentials which aims to enhance Business & Management training and upskill the current workforce;
  • facilitating the acquisition of EDI competencies, transversal and digital skills for management students and managers in business, mapped to European competence frameworks (e.g. EntreComp, LifeCom, DigComp);
  • responding to the societal transformation by setting up a system for skill assessment, learning offer and validation and recognition.

The course is open to anyone interested in the topic. Training material has been designed to meet the needs of:

  • actual managers, SME owners and start uppers eager to have a better approach toward Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and thus have better outcomes;
  • undergraduate HE students willing to attend trainings that can effectively and rapidly introduce them into the labour market.
  • state-of-the-art curricula developed by experts under high standards of quality assurance
  • 20 modules in MOOC covering transversal and digital skills for professionals and future managers
  • a flexible weekly workload and schedule of about 10 hours per week that you can complete at your own pace
  • personalised support provided by experienced lecturers
  • opportunity to meet, connect and network with peers from all over the world
  • certification in accordance with the European and national qualification frameworks
  • opportunity for participants who will successfully complete the MOOC to enlist in a specialised training programme (only for undergraduate students… check conditions below).

Unlike a traditional “course”, a MOOC is delivered on-line. The lectures are videos and reading materials, which are available 24/7. Take the course at your own pace, and interact with other students, professionals (and the tutors) through the fora.


The MOOC will be offered free of charge to anyone who is interested in joining the course. The REGISTRATION FORM is now open.

The course will start on mid of October 2024 and will last until the end of December 2024. Participants should be able to commit to about 10 hours of study per week, and should have at least an intermediate level of English, as all the online lessons and materials will be in English. The MOOC will provide interested learners with a set of core modules, focused also on practical applications and case studies. Every two weeks you will be able to interact with highly experienced invited experts in 1-hour live webinars! But don’t worry – if you miss them, you will be able to watch them afterwards!

Fostering Inclusive and Emotionally Intelligent Workplaces
Release dates: 14-19 October
Unconscious Bias Awareness
Emotional Competence (EI) Basics
Introduction to EDI in Business Management

Implementing Comprehensive Diversity and Inclusion Strategies in the Workplace
Release dates: 21-25 October

Managing Diversity and Inclusion in Human Resources (HR)
Gender Equality and Inclusion Strategies
LGBTQ+ Inclusion and Supportive Policies
Disability Inclusion and Accessibility in Business

Promoting Digital Inclusion and Etiquette in the Workplace
Release dates: 4-7 November

Digital Equality and Digital Inclusion
Digital Inclusive Collaboration Tools and Platforms

Integrating Key Competence Frameworks for Enhanced EDI practices
Release dates: 11-15 November

DigComp basics
LifeComp basics
Integrating LifeComp, EntreComp and DigComp in EDI

Understanding Legal and Regulatory Frameworks for EDI and Digital Practices
Release dates: 2-6 December

European legal framework on EDI in Employment
Comparative national legal frameworks on EDI in Employement
Copyright legislation and licenses
Digital Literacy and GDPR

Building Ethical, Educated and Legal Work Environments
Release dates: 9-13 December

Ethical Aspects on EDI in Employment
Educating Employees and Employers on Employee Rights and Protections
Conflict Management

The platform is accessible to anyone following a simple registration procedure. REGISTER HERE!


Open Badges are awarded upon completing succesfully each section’s modules. Learners who achieve 70% in each section of modules will earn the MOOC Certificate!


If you are an undergraduate student on Business Management in one of the EDIFY-EDU partner countries (Ireland, Italy, Germany, Finland and Greece), the participation in the MOOC entitles you to register for the specialisation courses, featuring a strong emphasis on projects and work-based learning.

Differently from the MOOC, which will be delivered in English and in collaboration among the project partners, the Specialization Courses will be piloted in national language, taking advantage of the modular approach and the opportunities/requirements of project partners.

Specialisation courses will be open to maximum 25 selected students in each project Country and their full attendance will be recognized with the release of microdentials/ECTS credits. The participation in the course includes:

  • possibility to candidate for an international Spring School in Austria on Gender equality and career opportunities for women, co-organized by The Female Factor and Talent Garden (5 participants from each Country)
  • 1 month work-based learning experience at national or international level for all participants!


Get in contact with your national coordinator and learn more on the detailed programme and registration requirements of the specialisation course in your Country!

 Prof. Audrey Stenson
 (Contact me)

 Dr. Elisabetta Mei
 (Contact me)

 Prof. Gerard Cullen
 (Contact me)

 Prof. Heini Ikävalko
 (Contact me)

 Prof. Achilles Kameas
 (Contact me)